
Showing posts from August, 2015

Here We Go Again

It's back: I have a case of the Sundays. Teachers of the world, you know what I'm talking about. It's the sickening feeling that sets in around 4:30 on Sunday afternoon when you realize that the pile of grading from Friday has remained in your bag untouched, the beautiful/informative/engaging presentation of the newest complex material is still floating around in your mind rather than displayed on a multimedia platform (which of course must then be uploaded to the class websites that are now required in most schools), the laundry is still piled away and the floor is unswept. Yes, as quickly as it came, summer is now over. I looked at a calendar today thinking it couldn't possibly be true. Where did those 9 weeks of freedom disappear to?? Then I looked at my planner and it became pretty clear: 1.5 weeks were spent recuperating from shingles while the remainder of the 2nd were spent at follow-up doctor visits; 3 weeks were then spent working summer school in an effort to ...

Forever is a Long, Long Time

I think one of the hardest aspects of a diagnosis like celiac or a food allergy is the finality of it all. At first you're just so grateful to have an answer and relieved that it wasn't one of the other seemingly-more-frightening options tossed around as a diagnosis. However, in time, that relief gives way to an overwhelming sense of "Wait, this is forever? Like forever forever??" Again, the feeling passes, you gain confidence in yourself and in your new lifestyle...and yet some time down the road, that " Wait, forever?" feeling comes out of nowhere and hits you like a ton of bricks. Now, at this point I'm sure there's a good chance you're thinking, Gee, Katie, thanks for the pick-me-up post today. I promise isn't one of those rare downer posts...rather, it's a reminder and an assurance that you're not alone in having thoughts like these. And I don't think it's restricted to just food issues either. Somehow July has alrea...