There's So Much to Be Thankful For
Yes, I made all of my classes listen to Josh Groban's classic tune "Thankful" on Tuesday as part of our reflection before prayer. And let me tell you, the reactions from "Who is this guy?" to "Oh, my grandma LOVES him" made me realize just how old I'm getting (compared to high school students that is!) Today is Thanksgiving. When I begin to tell you about my week, you may become a bit skeptical about the title of this post; however, you’ll learn, as I have today, that it could not be more true. My week began with a jam-packed Sunday, driving back from a conference in Ocean City with 6 of my students. Also, we were a little extra tired on the ride back since a 1:30 AM leak in the hotel rooms above ours resulted in a middle of the night wake-up call/relocation. I made it through my final two days of classes prior to break, including Grandparents’ Day, before the ER decided it had been too long since we’d been acquainted with one another. So Tu...