Oh Sugar, Sugar...

(Click here if you want the background music) So Celiac Awareness Month is now 2/3 finished and I have yet to do much in the way of awareness. If only there could just be a few more hours in the day. Regardless, there is an important reality of celiac I've been meaning to address for awhile now...so I suppose today is as good a day as any. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder. Yes, you probably already knew that. However, what you may not know is that if you have an autoimmune condition and it remains untreated, they often act like dominos...and before you know it you have plenty of them. I mean it makes sense when you think about it: if my immune system is going haywire, why would it just isolate itself to one body system?? Clearly my body learned the "sharing is caring" lesson a little too well when I was a kid. So rewind 3 years: it's spring of 2011. I was in the heart of my "we don't know what's wrong with you" dark days. I had been to ev...